Monday, 20 February 2012

I can't let the TV raise my children??!!!??

What?! Howcome?

I have embarked on a quest to take my children back from their current caretaker; the TV.

Why I have chosen to do this in February, the suicide month, don't ask me. Maybe it's because it is so very easy to use the TV now. We haven't been outside in months, yet the days are getting longer and the increased sunshine is giving my children an energy level not suited for indoors! When things start to unravel (ok let's be honest, first thing in the morning!) the TV goes on and the running, screaming, and fighting stops. Oh that blessed quiet moment when Tinkerbell flies across the screen. I think I may be falling in love with her! I'm also doing this now because this Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent.

Lent. I used to dread this season. The time when Daddy made me pick something to give up for 40 days so that I could spend the extra time getting ready for the Easter season. Now I kinda look forward to it.

I am NOT intrinsically motivated. (For you who haven't learned teacher-speak, that means I don't have that little voice inside that tells me I will be happier if I just get this done!) I require some sort of extrinsic (from the outside...) motivation. Lent gives me the opportunity to have an outside reason to accomplish something. (I'll save the discussion as to whether or not this fits with the spirit of Lent for another day.)

So here we are. No TV. Well, it's been 5 hours and no deaths, so I'd say we are doing ok.

Some moments, I ask myself why I didn't try this sooner!

Happily puzzling. 
Reading Charlotte's Web. 

But the majority of the time, THIS was the norm.



Somewhere along the line, (I believe it was after a hearty lunch.) We ended up here.

This all looked very familiar. I actually turned around to see if the TV was on. They were all doing the activities they would normally do in front of their favourite show, only there was no show.

So why did I need it in the first place?          See above pics.

Getting to a place of understanding that TV was NOT HAPPENING took 6 hours.        6.        Today.        I am fully aware that we will have to do this all again tomorrow.

Well. It's almost nap time and Nanny TV has not made an appearance yet. YAY! Project for the afternoon? Some sort of craft..........

Playdough and popsicle sticks, anyone?


  1. I love you you brave and inspiring woman! I, too am going to embark on this journey with you...we may be over often! Starting tomorrow. BEAUTIFUL. I want to hear my child beg for books instead of chuggington!

  2. Oh, Chuggington... I want to hear all about it!
